….or you can call (856) 751-7550 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Back today.

One of the most common concerns we hear from patients is about their jowls and neck line, “How can I get rid of these sagging jowls,” or “I want to tighten my sagging neck back to what I used to have.”
Our Look Fabulous Now Lift is the ideal way to rejuvenate, restore, and refresh the face, jawline and neck. Why not ‘turn back the clock’ today? Sagging jowls, loose skin along the jawline, or a sagging neck can all be substantially improved by a Look Fabulous Now Lift.
Look Fabulous Now Lift Consultation
Before choosing any cosmetic procedure at the Cosmetic Surgery Center of Cherry Hill, you will have a private, in-depth consultation with Dr. Back, who has earned a reputation as one of the best cosmetic surgeons in the South Jersey and Philadelphia areas. After an examination, he will review everything you want and need to know, and together you will discuss your goals and his recommendations. You’ll have ample time for questions, and ‘Before & After’ photos of previous patients’ results will be available to help you visualize your options.